Wednesday, February 2, 2011

a glimpse at IHOP through my eyes

Well, well, well, it's been a while! I have been here in Kansas City, MO for nearly 3 weeks! It's crazy. I wanted to do a quick little overview of what life is like here at IHOP-KC, then in later posts I will go deeper into what I am learning and what God is doing in my heart.

I have two roommates. The three of us, along with eight other girls next door and right below us, make up our core group.  We have two associate core leaders (ACL). One lives in the same apartment with us and the other lives in the apartment below with four girls in our core group. Our senior core leader is awesome, but she doesn’t live with us. We all make our beds every day and have weekly chores and everything, it's great! Honestly, these girls are wonderful. It's really an answer to prayer to be living life with women who love God, respect each other and want to run hard together into greater knowledge and love for Jesus. I am so thankful!

My schedule here is BUSY. It's great, though. I wouldn't want to be sitting around all day twiddling my thumbs! Here is a peek at what my schedule looks like:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday we head over to IHOPU on shuttles for worship at 9 and then class from 10-12, then we have lunch from 12-1. after lunch we usually have a meeting or another class or prayer room hours until 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Dinner is 5-6 and then we have a 50 minute meeting with our core groups where we can ask our leaders questions and discuss what we're processing. Usually though we have a specific lesson that our core leader teaches. Then we are in the prayer room from 7-midnight. 

During our prayer room hours we can read the bible or other bible study books, journal, worship, and pray. It’s our time to encounter God. Also, we have a two-hour set that is intercession for specific topics. On Mondays the focus is human trafficking, Tuesdays are focused on prayer for the salvation of Israel, Wednesdays it’s for Kansas City. On any given day, if there is a crisis going on somewhere in the world, they will most likely interrupt the regular prayer focus to whatever the crisis is. Ever since Friday we have been praying for Egypt. 

Honestly, I love the hours in the prayer room. I was kind of nervous that I would get really tired, or get bored or something like that, but it’s been so wonderful. I have just been eating up the word of God and then meditating on it. I’ll be reading and then the worship band will start playing a song I love and so I can just stand up and worship for a while, sit back down, and read some more. It’s wonderful. I love the Bible. I’ve never been able to say that before, but it’s really true. 

I feel so blessed to be here. I don’t know what these next few months will hold, but the Lord is so good! It’s the truth. He loves me and the truth of that is changing me. He is making me more and more like his son, Jesus. It’s a beautiful thing. 

More to come soon!
Love to you all, Claire Joy

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