Monday, January 9, 2012

catch me up in Your story
all my life, for Your glory!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

glorious God

tonight there was such a magical sunset. absolutely beautiful. i am blown away by God's painting skillz (yes, with a 'z').

with such beauty in creation, can you begin to imagine what God actually looks like? His is on a throne in heaven right now receiving honor and worship. oh, to see Him face-to-face! to behold the untainted beauty of my King! that is a day to look forward to indeed.

maranatha. come, oh, Lord.
the Spirit and the bride (hey, that's me!) say come!

Monday, January 2, 2012

journal entry 12.13.11

"... beautiful scars, like in your hands, feet and side."

mom was praying for me and thanked You that You turn wounds into beautiful scars. it really struck me. even You, Jesus, have scars. You were wounded and have the scars to prove it. but they are completely beautiful, like You. they tell the story of Your humility, beauty, grace and mercy.

that is true for me, too. my wounds, You are healing into absolutely beautiful scars that tell the same story: Your beauty, mercy, humility and grace! all my life is for Your glory. You are making me like You ( s l o w l y  but surely!). my scars are trophies of Your mercy. i see them and they remind me of Your faithfulness to me. i am so thankful and humbled.

thanks, Dad, that You have walked with me thus far and You won't leave me, now or ever!