Friday, May 27, 2011

a little update story

I promised an update... But where do I even begin? Well, the internship is almost over! It’s hard to believe I have spent over four months here in Kansas City, Missouri.

Thinking back to the beginning of the internship, I remember a girl who thought that she was pretty great. She basically thought that she was a gift from God to IHOP. Okay, well, probably not that extreme, but she did have quite a bit of pride. She thought that she was the hardcore christian. I mean, come on. She’d left friends and family at the drop of a hat to spend five months praying.

Upon arrival to IHOP, it didn’t take her long to realize that she was not the only “hardcore christian”. In fact, there was a whole prayer room full of them! It didn’t take her long to find herself blending in with the crowd, not so special anymore. That really didn’t sit well with her. Part of her identity was being known as the good, christian girl, the one who really loved Jesus, definitely more than most.

With this new dynamic, she was struggling for identity. Knowing she was special, but how? If everyone loved Jesus and it was more and more seeming like she didn’t because of all this irritation and offense in her heart, who was she? She wasn’t getting the approval she so craved. And the rules! No secular music in the apartments? I mean, come on! She’s an adult, doggone-it. And bedtime? Seriously? Yeah, that girl was quite a bit more messed up than she’d ever realized. And that wasn’t comfortable.

Many nights, she found herself sitting in the prayer room singing, worshipping and reading. It was real. She truly did love Jesus and wanted to know Him more. But in the midst of it, she was offended: at God that He hadn’t kept her from all the messed up stuff inside her and in her life, and at her leaders in the internship for not seeing her value and preferring her above others.

Slowly, as the Lord (in His kindness and faithfulness) kept humbling her; she became aware of her pride. And as the Good Shepherd continued to pour out love on her, she softened. As He chastened her, He was showing her love. His gentle hands were leading her. He was refining her, removing the ugly, dead parts in her and purifying her. At first, it was so painful, she was struggling, pushing Him away. She thought she was pretty alright and didn’t need all the pain that He was putting her through. But He didn’t let her go so easily. He saw in her heart that she really was desperate for Him to save her, she just thought it would look different than the way He was doing it. He saw the ‘yes’ in her heart and He was committed to “...bring forth [her] righteousness as the light...”

The refining, though it has yielded much fruit, is not over yet. That girl has come a long way. She is slowly learning the meaning of humility. She is learning to lean on her Shepherd’s strength and not her own. And probably the most significant thing that she is still learning (and probably will be for all her days) is who she is, her identity. When the things that she had put her identity in were stripped away, she was forced to reevaluate.

One night in the prayer room, it really clicked for her.
Who do you say that I am, God? Just tell me. I need to know who you say that I am!
You are mine.

Woah. It was real breakthrough. Praise Jesus!

That girl, well, she still has a long way to go. But, she is a lot father than when she began! And she knows who she is. Or at least, she is at the beginning of the journey of understanding who she is.

Oh well, I guess I’ll save an update about me for later!
Love, that girl :)

“My beloved is mine, and I am His.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my song will be...

Jesus, I love you
Jesus, I adore you
Jesus, I love you
You’re the one I want

Audra Lynn’s worship washing over me.
Breathing in deep.
Peace within.
Peace beyond understanding, so much of the future is unknown.
Peace that passes understanding indeed [phil. 4:6-7].

Jesus, I love you

Tired body, spirit alive.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


My prayer recently:

Put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty

Laura Hackett, All Is For Your Glory

Monday, May 16, 2011

alive and... well, tired!

hi friends, sorry it has been so long since I have posted here! things have been busy, busy, busy! I hope to sit down and write a nice long update in the next few days. so keep your eyes peeled! I'll just leave you with this verse.

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy;  giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.       Colossians 1:9-11

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

picture update!

I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures from my months here. So here you go!

at the Kansas City Zoo! me and my little llama friend.

roommates at the zoo! self-portrait.

Hailley Jo and I, wearing each others' clothes.

spring flowers.

Mom and Dad came to visit!

Janay, Juli, me, Jenny. all the inhabitants of apt. 5!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I could sing of your love forever... Because I know you, God, because I talk with you and listen to you and have experienced your love, your great faithfulness, your overwhelming grace toward me. And then, as I sing, I am overcome with love for you and words fail me. I am undone. Your love doesn’t make sense. You love me? I could sing of the greatness of your love, the mystery of your mercy, the depth of your kindness forever.

Then, all I can really do is say “thank you” and receive it, letting perfect love have its way in my heart and life.

May my life be a sweet fragrance to you, oh my Lord, my God.