Monday, November 28, 2011

tis the season... of my life

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 
knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. 
You are serving the Lord Christ.
colossians 3:23 & 24

these verses resound throughout my mind and heart.

"what are you up to these days? are you in school/did you graduate?"
these seem to be the go-to questions. no, i haven't graduated and no, i'm not in school. i work two part-time jobs and i'm an intern. this is the not-so-glamorous reality.

"whatever you do..."

i praise God that i am employed, that i have a home (my parents') and that i have all that i need. i am so thankful that God promised that He has a great future for me, too. but that does not let me off the hook for the present. whatever i do now i must work at it with all my heart for the Lord.

the jobs that i have (care-giver at an assisted living home and barista at a coffee shop) i love. they are both really challenging at different times and in different ways, but i am so thankful for the opportunities they both bring. at work, i am serving coffee, i am working honestly and with integrity, i am putting lovely elderly people to bed, all for the Lord. He sees the tiny ways i am laying down my life, He sees my love for Him. He says that it moves His heart. what a privilege to work for the Lord God almighty! He is the best boss.

so this season of my life, i am learning to love God in the mundane of the "whatever" i do. i get to live every uneventful (or quite eventful) day for His glory saying, "Jesus, won't You increase and i decrease!"

I will praise the LORD as long as I live; 
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.


Anonymous said...

loved this! thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!!!

katiebeer said...

This really speaks to my own heart and situation. thanks for the encouragement Claire!