Tuesday, February 15, 2011

heart's cry

Abba, I want you to have everyday. You are worth it. You are the only one worthy, the only one deserving of all of my heart. It’s yours. 

Convict me.
Correct me.
Challenge me.
Stretch me.

I trust you. I know that the pain that comes from that is all because of how deeply [all my life I will still be discovering the depth] you love me. I know that you love me right where I am and yet you call me higher, you call me deeper. The more I know you, the more sin I see in my life. You call me to be perfect [Matt. 5:48] and you don’t ask me to do/be anything that is impossible. By you, through your finished work on the cross, I can be like you. Help me, Papa God. 

The more I gaze upon the beauty of Jesus, the more like Him I become. I want to live righteously. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.

I lay down the lesser pleasures of this life because I know that you really do satisfy. I am called blessed for God has given me grace to hunger, to thirst for righteousness. Blessed am I. Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!


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